Friday, July 06, 2007

Call me irresponsible?

This is a long story, but I'll try to keep it brief...

I ordered the new Michael Buble CD for Caroline a number of weeks ago from amazon... It didn't arrive, so I contacted Amazon's customer service people, and the said they'd send a replacement... that arrived in a couple of days - fantastic!

Two weeks later, the original arrived - presumably having been stuck in the back of a Royal Mail sorting office in the interim...

Anyway, being an honest and responsible kind of bloke, I thought I'd better contact amazon to let them know, and then return the extra copy... should be easy, you would have thought...

Amazon arranged for the CD to be picked up from work - except they turned up on the wrong day!

I phoned again to arrange another pick-up - they didn't arrive at all!
I phoned again. They arranged to pick it up yesterday. They actually came. Fantastic, I thought!

I arrived home this afternoon after work. Imagine my surprise when I found the self same parcel, which had been picked up yesterday from work, sitting on my doormat at home!

I have since phoned amazon again (you'll be glad to know the calls are all free!). They told me to keep the CD, and give it to a friend...!

So if you get a Michael Buble CD from us, for your birthday or other occasion - you'll know where it came from!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just ridiculous. What, you can't send stuff back to Amazon? Why couldn't you just send it back with a letter explaining the situation? They must have real people there somewhere!! I think you should ask for compensation for the inconvenience caused to you!! See how much that throws them. Tee hee!!