Thursday, May 15, 2008

Walk the path I've paved for you

My good friend, TheWeeScottie, has penned a poem...

‘Walk the path’, my saviour said,
‘The one I’ve paved for you
And you will see the wonderous things
I’ve laid in store for you’

You can read the rest here.
Inspired words, I feel, in these uncertain times.


Nic and Kathy said...

Some friends of ours who have been walking the path of adoption have just been given the news that two little girls will be theirs by July. Your family is out there too,chosen not by social workers, but by God.
xx Nic, Kathy & Summer

Unknown said...

Amen to that, Nic & Kathy. God is looking after your family right now, preparing them for living with you (no jokes there, honest!) and the most important fact about them is that they're the children God wants for you.

When both you and they are ready, God'll bring them to you :)
