Friday, July 04, 2008

School places available

Just a wee update - we heard yesterday from the head teacher of the school we'd like the two eldest to go to, that although she didn't strictly have spaces, she'd phoned the local authority and explained the situation - they've told her to give us places! How fantastic is that! God is so good!

We're still unsure which years the boys will go into. The eldest should be starting year 1 in September, but he may benefit from going into reception, given all the change he's going to be facing - and he has a late summer birthday making him one of the youngest in his class at the moment (the cut-off for school years is the end of August). The middle one will then either go into reception (full-time) or nursery (part-time), depending on what we decide (with their social worker) for the eldest. We don't want them both in the same year.

But the head teacher has said she doesn't need to know what we're going to do until the end of August - which again is fantastic, and gives us a bit of time to consider properly.

Jobs this weekend include completing the matching report for the boys' social worker (questions like 'why do you think these children are a good match for you' - this will form the basis of the information available to the matching panel when they meet to decide on the match at the end of this month. We also need to think of questions we want to ask the boys' foster carers, as we hope to be able to speak to them next week.

There's so much going on - lots of phone calls, emails, forms to complete, lists of things to do, lists of things to buy... but through it all, we have peace. A peace that it's right. A peace that God is completely in the driving seat.


Stuart and Pauline said...

Wow, God is good, that's just brilliant news that there are places available for them. I have to say I'm not surprised the Head has tried to accommodate.

Enjoy filling in all the forms over the weekend ;-}

You've got a very busy summer ahead. Do take some time for the both of you to try and relax, because once they're with you, you will have no time. However, lots of joy and fun ahead e.g. bubble machines, farms etc.

We continue to pray for Wednesday.

That Hideous Man said...

Yes, yes and amen to all the above comments!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Of course I meant Thursday.

Love from us.