What a fun afternoon...
Mrs D and I were sitting in the sitting room this afternoon (as you do after Sunday lunch, letting the roast chicken digest), admiring the newly decorated walls which were finished on Thursday, when we heard a strange scratching sound coming from the direction of the chimney. Doglet started to take an interest in the sound, and we thought we had better investigate too.
We have a flappy lid thing which comes down to close off the chimney and helps prevent draughts. This was flapped down, and so whatever was making the scratching sound was standing on top of the flap.
On analysis of the sounds, we concluded that a bird must have fallen down the chimney and was now flapping about trying to get out of what must have seemed like a very deep dark pit.
So - 2 options....
1. leave the bird to flap around, perhaps find its own way out, or die (possibly roasting it when we next light the fire)
2. open up the flap and try to catch the bird as it comes out
We went for Option 2.
So, armed with an old duvet cover, we 'sealed' the fireplace. Mrs D then opened the flap and tried to coach the bird out. It wasn't for coming, but Mrs D managed to find its legs, and with a bit of persuasion, the bird dropped out, into the duvet cover.
Unfortunately we hadn't sealed the duvet cover properly, and the bird got free.
We now had a blackbird flying round the sitting room, feathers and soot flying everywhere, dirty black marks all over the newly painted walls, doglet jumping around trying to catch it.
Not exactly what we had intended!
We opened the patio door, and eventually doglet chased the blackbird outside.
First task for tomorrow morning?
Phone the chimney man and get a mesh installed over the chimney pots!
Sounds like you had an exciting afternoon! Hope it didn't send you into too much of a flap (!)
wowee. Don't think we ever had something as exciting as that. We did have bats in the house one bonfire night though! About 7 pipistrels all in all.
Very cool, and ever so small!
Having your house trashed? Newly deorated walls de-faced?
All good training for the completion of the adoption process methinks!
You remember that house I was house-sitting in the Cotswolds about 10yrs ago? You came to visit me there (after being way-layed in the wrong village!).
Well, I had squirrels in the roof, making a nest and eventually poking a hole through the ceiling over the bath. The landlords didn't really believe me until the squirrels fell into the bath!
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