Sunday, January 06, 2008

Grand Balloon Race

While clearing leaves from the lawn this afternoon, I happened upon a small white piece of paper. I was about to throw it in the rubbish, when I noticed it was a tag from a balloon which had taken part in a Grand Balloon Race, in aid of Hebden Green Community School in Winsford, Cheshire.

It would appear that the tag was affixed to a balloon which was released in the school grounds, along with many others (mine is number 17906). And it ended up in our back garden! There is a prize for the person who finds the balloon furthest from Cheshire.

I have completed my details on the tag, and will send it to the address stated, in the hope of winning. Who'd have thought a balloon would have made it so far!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had them a while back here in Swindon. Mum and I picked one out of a briar when black-berry picking. We have yet to hear, though we were told that last year's winning balloon (released in Swindon) was picked up in France!

And I thought rockets were outlawed in balloon chases?