Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I've not posted on here for a while.
The days just seem to fly by and there just doesn't seem to be the time to get on here much at all...

The last couple of weeks seem to have been a bit of a struggle.
Don't get me wrong - there have been some fantastic bits too - but those seem to be out-numbered by ever more frequent episodes of struggle.
Lots of little things which mass together.

Doing the opposite of what we ask.
Refusing to do what we ask.
Ignoring us when we ask.
Tears when we ask.
Telling lies.

I'm sure it will get better.
Just a wee bit difficult to see things objectively at times.

Needless to say, the 'thinking step' is getting a lot of use at the moment!
And we're not dishing up as many portions of pudding as we might.


Stuart and Pauline said...

My heart goes out to you. It will get easier but as C said yesterday, probably after it gets worse. Maybe you and C need to have lots of puddings when the boys are in bed.

lynn said...


I know we sort of know each other via bloggy world (and one meeting IRL)...and I know you will get lots of support from SWs, but my heart also went out to you too; and I felt it was important for you to know that you are facing an entirely normal stage; it's just that you're getting it x 3 all at one time. No wonder it's stressful!

I and my church run Triple P courses, an excellent course written by psychologists from the University of Queensland, and I wondered if I could recommend checking out the Positive Parenting Programme website (the full name of Triple P) on You might like to check out the "for parents" pages.

You can find out if there are any practitioners near you (often Health Visitors) as there is a section where they are listed.

Do email me if you want me to send you some of the Triple P Tip Sheets for specific challenging situations.

With love and best wishes to you all.