Sunday, February 15, 2009

God in the bed

The local grandparents were babysitting for us last night so we could go out - and on Valentine's day as well!! We had a lovely time: meal, wine, film...

While we were out, at bed time, Cuthbert had a lengthy conversation with Nana about God and where he was... Cuthbert brings this up a lot, but this has to be the funniest so far!

The conversation went something like this.

Cuthbert: God is everywhere, Nana
Nana: Yes he is.
Cuthbert: Is he is my bedroom?
Nana: Yes
Cuthbert: Is he in my bed?
Nana: Yes, he is
Cuthbert: Well, he'd better get down to the bottom, cause there's no room for him at the top!

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