Monday, November 12, 2007

Mrs D's knee - update

Well, after much faffing around, Mr P cut a couple of holes in Mrs D's knee.
He looked around a bit, looked some more, poked, prodded and looked one last time.


Well - apart from a healthy knee, that is.
No torn bits, missing bits, stretched bits.

He flushed it out (this conjures up garden hose to me...).

So Mrs D is back home, on the sofa.
Perhaps her knee will get better now. Perhaps not.
She's to go back in a couple of weeks to see Mr P.
And some physio between now and then.

So we have to wait and see.

Any suggestions as to what might be causing so much pain on the outside of Mrs D's right knee, would be gratefully received.
Just add a comment.
There will even be a reward for information leading to a successful diagnosis!


That Hideous Man said...

Neglected by her husband, she
Feigned an illness, of the knee.
The source of the supposed infection,
-is the cry for more affection!
And if you do not heed my verse,
-her condition will get much worse.
Thus my sorry diagnosis,
-a tragic hyperchondriosis!

His Girl Friday said...

pardon if I may comment!!!!

perhaps a McGonagle muse has settled upon HM!!! (very good!!)

sorry about the knee, not sure what it could be...oops, I did not plan that rhyme, honest!!!

old trainer remedy... freeze some water in a styrofoam cup, peel away the sides so that you can rub the ice on the knee area, peeling down as the ice melts.
Hope she's feeling better soon!